Photographic Society of America
Our Mission
To promote the art and science of photography as a means of communication, image appreciation, and cultural exchange.
Provide education, information, inspiration, and opportunity to everyone interested in photography.
Foster personal growth and expression, creativity, excellence, and ethical conduct in photographic endeavor.
Activities for Members
Educational opportunities include Online Courses, Webinars, Mentors, Consultants, and Study Groups.
A Monthly Journal, online or print copy.
Six Divisions specializing in distinct photographic areas.
Quarterly Division Newsletters.
Competitions for members and club members.
Opportunities for members to volunteer.
Wisconsin Chapter
The Wisconsin Chapter received its Charter from the Photographic Society of America (PSA) in 1992. Current membership is about 70 individual members of PSA who live in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We meet four times yearly – November, January, March, and May. Often, the May meeting is part of a weekend-long outing. Currently, we are meeting via Zoom for the three other quarterly meetings.
Chapter activities include:
Sponsors Milwaukee High School Youth Photography Showcase
Participates in the PSA Chapter Showcase
Conducts the PSA Club Showcase
Conducts the PSA Individual Showcase
Organizes the Chapter Outing
At Chapter meetings, members are encouraged to submit their own digital images for Bring Your Own Images (BYOI) to show, and we also have quality speakers to teach and motivate us to make better and more creative images.