February Meeting
February Meeting is Virtual by Zoom
Show and Tell
Roger Crill and Brian Lauttamus
President Challenge
Post-processing Technics
7-8 people will take a supplied raw image and process it their way.
It is a unique way to see how everyone processes an image.
February Field Trip
Field Trip - Workshop
Tabletop Photography
The windows along the top ends of the walls provide ample ambient light, enhancing the overall atmosphere of our space. Participants will be encouraged to bring along suitable items to photograph that they find interesting. We will arrange four tables, with various items displayed on each one (the tables are round, which should not pose any problem for our setup). This venue is also quite spacious, allowing for the use of tripods without causing any crowding among the participants. Additionally, some members may wish to incorporate supplemental lighting to enhance their photography further. Initially, about 6 to 8 members expressed interest in attending, but we are prepared to set up additional tables if more members decide to join in on the fun. We can confirm a more accurate number of participants later in January.
January Meeting
January Meeting is Virtual by Zoom
Show and Tell
Ian Dickmann and Brian Jensen
Presidents Challenge for November and December
Judge the PSA Club Showcase
Favorite Images
Member’s favorite image put together by Jane Hirst
Menomonee Falls Camera Club December Meeting
Annual Pizza / Holiday Party
Group Photo taken at 6 pm sharp
Judge the Wisconsin Print Circuit
This is an In-person Meeting
Zoo Field Trip
The Zoo opens at 9:30 a.m. that day. If the weather is good, expect a large crowd, in which case you might want to get in line at least half an hour early, knowing the animals are most active early, or wait an hour or so to avoid long lines. If the weather is not great, the lines shouldn’t be too bad. We’ll plan to meet beginning around 9:40 a.m. in the U.S. Bank Welcoming area.
Please consider carpooling. Here is a link for more info: http://www.milwaukeezoo.org/. Hope to see you there.
Brian Lauttamus 414-379-6402
Shady Lane Nursery Photo Shoot
Photo Shoot
Our Menomonee Falls Camera Club is planning a flower photo shoot at Shady Lane Greenhouses on Saturday, May 11, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Please park in the back to save the front parking for those making purchases.
Website: https://www.shadylanegreenhouse.com/ 262-251-1660 • W172 N7388 Shady Lane, Menomonee Falls
May Meeting(Zoom)
May Club meeting via Zoom
Main Program
Lewis Katz – Image Critque of member images.
Show and Tell
Nancy Meier & Jim Kurovsky
President’s Photo Challenge
April Virtual Meeting
Getting it all in Focus Without Focus Stacking
By Mike Moats
Show and Tell
Jim Bauer and Ken Warning
President’s Challenge
March Virtual Meeting
Image Critique with Lewis Katz
Each member can submit two images at 2100 pixels on the long side. Lewis Katz will critique the images. Please send your images to Jeffrey Klug at kpw1255@gmail.com by February 15, 2024.
Show and Tell
Nancy Meier and Dominic Keogh
President Challenge
February Virtual Meeting
Show & Tell
Jessie Buchholz and Pat Lynch
President’s Photo Challenge
Judging PSA Club Showcase
Favorite Image Show
January Meeting (Virtual)
Show and Tell
Roger Crill and Brian Lauttamus
Storm Photography
by Mike Mezeul II
December Pizza Party
There will be pizza and soda. If you desire, holiday treats will be gladly accepted.
The room where we will meet has 8 round tables with six chairs each, giving us seating for 48. The room also has a big screen TV, which I understand we can access to play photos (more info later).
Group photo will be in the gym after everyone has arrived since the gym is down some hallways...it isn't connected to our meeting room.
Judge Print Circuit Images using the round tables before we eat pizza.
Park in the south parking lot, and enter through the southeast door. We'll mark the appropriate doors.
October Meeting
Creative Floral Portraits with Textures & Plug-Ins by Hazel Meredith, APSA, HonNEC